Make your own investment choice

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If you are a Lloyds Bank, Halifax or Bank of Scotland Ready-Made Pension customer, this option is not available

If you’re looking to start taking income straight away, and then manage your money for a flexible income from now on, you may find that the strategy you took for building your savings is not appropriate for managing your pot now.

You may want to choose a new investment strategy, either one that you choose yourself, or using the investment pathways options.

What to consider

This might be an option that suits you if you are looking to choose an investment strategy with a long-term goal in mind and are confident managing your funds on an ongoing basis.

Remember: you can speak to a financial adviser to help make sure you get the most out of your investment strategy, and help you manage your future income.


If you’ve read through the information on the previous pages and you’d like to make your own investment choice, here’s what you need to do next.

Your other options