Stay in your current investment choice

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While you were building up your pension savings, you (and your financial adviser if you have one) will have chosen an investment fund – or funds – to help you build or protect these savings, or both.

You have the option to continue with those same investment choices if you feel they’re right for you in the long-term too.

What to consider

This might be an option that suits you if you have already chosen your investment strategy with a goal in mind, and having taken your tax-free cash for now, you’re aiming for a similar outcome in the future.

However, you may also find that the strategy you took for building your savings is not appropriate for managing your income. You may want to choose a new investment strategy by investing in an investment pathways option or choosing your own investment fund.

Remember: you can speak to a financial adviser to help make sure you get the most out of your investment strategy, and help you manage your future income.


If you’ve read through the information on the previous pages and you’d like your money to remain invested in your current funds, here’s what you need to do next

Your other options