The investment pathways

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You have chosen to move some or all of your pension savings into drawdown, with the flexibility to make withdrawals as and when you wish. 

Investment Pathways are about what you want to do with this money next and where you want to invest it.

An Investment Pathway is simply a pre-set strategy that aims for a specific outcome over the next 5 years. The one you choose should be based on how you might want to take your money over this period - and the level of investment risk you are prepared to take at this time.

The options

There are four Investment Pathway options and, like any investment option, each one has a level of investment risk attached to it. You can see how risky each option is below, on a scale of 1 – 7 (7 being the riskiest).

In short, a good Investment Pathway option is one that broadly matches your investments to your goal.

Why do you need to choose an Investment Pathway?

You don’t have to choose one. You can choose to stay invested as you are, or to make your own investment choices.

The reason the Investment Pathways have been introduced is to give people who have entered into a drawdown arrangement some help with managing their investment based on their income goals.

Remember: you can speak to a financial adviser to help make sure you get the most out of your investment strategy, and help you manage your future income


If you’ve read through the information on the previous pages and you’d like to learn more about an investment pathways choice, you can do that here